Protect your family with the Moms RISE Family Wellness & Safety Initiatives

At Moms RISE, we are committed to the holistic well-being and safety of families in our community. Through a range of programs and workshops in our Family Wellness & Safety Initiatives, we aim to provide valuable resources and support for parents, teens, and children.

Current Family Wellness & Safety Programs:

Sexual Health Supplies & Education

We offer confidential access to sexual health supplies alongside personalized coaching sessions to promote healthy intimate relationships and informed decision-making.

  • Free Protection Supplies: Our initiative provides free sexual health protection supplies, ensuring that individuals have easy access to the resources they need to prioritize their health and well-being.

  • Future Classes (Sex Education and Safety for Kids, Teens & Adults): We’re excited to announce upcoming classes on age-appropriate sex education for children, teens, and adults. These sessions will provide a safe space for learning about anatomy, consent, relationships, and more.

Request Pleasure & Protection Kits HERE

Harm Reduction (Narcan) & Resource Access

Our harm reduction program provides training and access to Narcan, a life-saving medication that can reverse opioid overdoses.

  • Narcan: We believe that Narcan is an essential component of any household’s first aid kit, just like bandages or aspirin. Its potential to save lives transcends any stigma associated with addiction. Our aim is to provide Narcan to anyone who recognizes its value, regardless of their personal circumstances. Every home should have access to this life-saving tool
  • Resource Access: We connect families with essential resources, including addiction treatment centers, counseling services, and support groups.
  • Upcoming Harm Reduction Kits: In the near future, we will introduce harm reduction kits that include tools like test strips, offering a more comprehensive approach to harm reduction.

Request Harm Reduction HERE

Future Family Wellness & Safety Programs:

Intimacy Coaching Groups & 1-on-1 Sessions

Enhance your intimate relationships through group coaching sessions or personalized one-on-one sessions. Our certified coach will offer guidance on communication, consent, and emotional well-being.

Single Mothers’ Infant Care Workshops

Delve into a series of engaging workshops covering essential aspects of infant care. Designed specifically for single mothers, choose from a range of classes, including babywearing and cloth diapering, along with other valuable topics for new mothers and caregivers.

Financial Literacy Workshops

Gain valuable insights into budgeting, saving, and financial planning. Empower your family with the knowledge and skills to manage finances effectively.

Community Building Events

Join us for community-building activities like family-friendly gatherings, picnics, and game nights hosted by Moms RISE.

By participating in our Family Wellness and Safety Initiatives, you are taking proactive steps toward creating a safe, nurturing, and thriving environment for your family. We are here to support you every step of the way.

For more information or to register for upcoming workshops, fill out this form, or contact us HERE