At Moms RISE, we strongly believe in the power of personalization. We also recognize that every child is unique, with their own distinct interests, hobbies, and dreams. This is why our Winter Wishes Gift Program is designed to offer a personalized experience to each child.

By lending your support to our program, you provide us the opportunity to delve deeper into the interests and needs of each child. This allows us to create a gift box that is unique to their personality and preferences. We take great care to include items such as books by their favorite authors, specific art supplies, and desired toys. Your contribution not only helps us put a smile on a child’s face but also makes a positive impact on their well-being.

The Winter Wishes Gift Program is a wonderful opportunity to make a child’s holiday season brighter. Our program aims to spread joy and love by providing gifts to children who may not have the means to receive them otherwise. By joining us, you too can make a real difference in the lives of these children and show them that they are valued as well as loved. So, don’t miss this chance to make a positive impact on someone’s life this holiday season.

gifts for the Winter Wishes Gift Program

Here’s how the Winter Wishes Gift Program works:

Family Participation: Families with children aged 0-18 submit personalized wishlists based on the child’s interests. This ensures the gifts we provide are exactly what the child desires.

Wishlist Fulfillment: Our team works hard to raise funds and be able to fulfill as many requests as possible.

Gift Distribution: We organize the distribution of gifts to families, ensuring they receive their presents in time for the holiday season.

Help a child’s holiday wish come true – We can’t do it alone!

Grant a Holiday Wish: Help make holiday wishes come true by contributing to our Amazon Wishlist for children and families.

Donate: Your donation counts! Donate now to support the Winter Wishes Gift Program and bring joy to children in need.

Volunteer: Join our team of volunteers to assist with wishlist organization, gift packaging, and distribution.

Ways to Donate to the Winter Wishes Gift Program

So, let’s come together and make this winter season truly unforgettable for all. Through this program, we can spread joy, create cherished memories, and make a difference in the lives of children. By joining us on this heartwarming initiative, we can show each of these children they are seen, cherished, and cared for. Let’s be the reason for their smiles and make this season one to remember.

Mom and Child holding a sign that reads "thank you" to the donors of the Winter Wishes Gift Program

Disclaimer: Any donations exceeding the required amount will support other crucial Moms RISE programs. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.